Path of Leadership: Guided Meditation and Values Exploration

As women, we walk many paths. One of those paths is that of leadership. Whether in our professional or personal worlds, we may find ourselves being called on to lead in some way. Plus, many of us are in leadership positions in our careers or are the CEOs of our own companies. So, it is quite relevant for us to have clarity and purpose in how we lead others.  

The below mindfulness meditation is all about exploring yourself as a leader. Exploration of personal values is also integrated into this mindfulness practice.






Mindfulness Meditation: Exploring Yourself as a Leader


Thank you for joining this mindfulness meditation, which is all about exploring yourself as a leader. Exploration of personal values is also integrated into this mindfulness practice. I’m Dr. Jennifer McManus, a licensed psychologist, and I’ll be your guide. I regularly incorporate mindfulness and values exploration into the therapeutic work I do with psychotherapy clients.


For safety reasons, please only join me in this guided meditation when you can find a quiet time to relax. For example, it’s not safe to do this when you’re driving.


Now that you have found a quiet time to relax, simply find a cozy spot, listen to my voice, and follow my guidance.



Let's begin by taking a moment to allow your body to settle into a comfortable position. You may close your eyes or keep them slightly open. Allow the spine to lift, the shoulders to soften.


Today we will explore leading with purpose.

Regardless of your position, whether in an organization or a family, you are called on to lead at some point.

The best leaders have a sense of clarity and purpose in how they engage with the world and in how they lead others. They connect with people on a very human level.

So, begin by taking a full, deep breath in and a long breath out. Letting your attention rest on the breath. Good.

Now, I’m now going to ask you a series of questions, but instead of thinking about the questions or coming up with responses, I want you to allow the questions to just sink in like pebbles being dropped into a still pond, and I want you to be sensitive to any ripples that you notice.

Let’s begin.

As a leader, what is most important to you?

What are you aiming to achieve as a leader?


As I ask these questions, just noticing the thoughts, feelings, and images that come to mind as you breathe in and as you breathe out. Nice, deep, slow breaths at your own pace.


What are the values that guide you?  

What may be preventing you from living your values each day?   

Now, continue breathing in and breathing out bringing attention to your body, noticing if the mind is wandering or if it is attaching to any particular thoughts or feelings that arise.

Now imagine yourself leading with purpose.

What does that feel like?

And now, as we begin to re-emerge from this reflection, notice how you feel in body and mind.

Finishing with a full deep breath in

and a long breath out.


Thank you so much for joining this guided meditation.

Dr. Jennifer McManus is a licensed psychologist who regularly integrates the practices of mindfulness and values exploration into her therapeutic work with psychotherapy clients. If you think you may benefit from personal growth through therapy, then please feel free to contact the psychotherapy practice of Dr. Jennifer McManus to learn more about available support. You can schedule a complimentary consultation, email, or call the office at 866-706-3665.


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